Rules - Basics

  • January 8, 2024

These are basic information you need to know to setup your firewall rules:
Ips - Each visitor has an ip. Visitors are tracked thanks to Internet ip system. IP (Internet Protocol) like is a unique address that identifies a unique device (or network) on the internet. Tape 'my ip' on google to find your ip. Bad ips may outnumber legitimate visits for new websites and low traffic websites.

Host - A Host or Hostname is a computer which acts in most cases ''without the human intervention''. It exchanges or collects data, offers services..etc, but whether it has malicious or legitimate activity, that depends! Example:,,

URL - URL is nothing more than the address of a given page on the Web. 
The URL is consistently visible in the browser's address bar. You can access a URL (web address) either by clicking on a link or by manually typing it into the browser's address bar.

Flagged ip - The ip has been recorded and has been granted a firewall mark. A mark can be for example "bad ip" or "denied country".. etc.

Fired ip - An ip that has simply been denied access.

Iptables - The table containing the hits records. You can access this table from the "History" link in your dashboard menu.

Bot A bot is an automated software application that performs repetitive tasks over and runs independently without human intervention.

Hit - A hit is a page request. Each visitor can have one or more hits. Hits are pooled until they reach the package limit. Once you hits reach your limits, GP Website Firewall will no longer consider your ruleset and will allow any ip request. First and last hit are recorded for each visitor.

Notice - Please pay regard that if a rule seems not working as expected, that's only due to your configuration. One thing you may consider setting your rules, is to check mentally if the target will pass each of the rules one by one, first to last as you expect.

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