Universal plugin Installation

  • August 21, 2024

This installation process assumes you have an active order and have received a license token, either via email or on the ordered product page in your client area. We may have also provided a web address, along with login credentials, to access the firewall dashboard where you can manage its features. 

IMPORTANT: After installing the plugin, you must activate the firewall from the dashboard using the 1-click setup button in the settings section.

The code you will add to your website should be inserted in key page(s) and almost always at the first beginning of that file before anything else; the purpose is to run the Website Firewall before any other process + run the Website Firewall on maximum pages.

For each side (back and front) you should locate the key page of your web app. Any code inserted on that key page, will be processed (displayed) on all the related side pages. 

In most open source scripts, key page may be "configure.php" or "header.php" or "functions.php" or "settings.php"; Except "header.php", these pages are rarely updated. A header is a page which displays elements on the top of your homepage, and is probably on every other page of your website. If you have a back-office header page and a front-office header page, you may put the Firewall code there in the first line, before anything else. While we don't encourage to plug our universal plugin code to header.php, we understand that for beginners and confirmed website owners and developers, this could be a quick and easy deployment method. If you decide to go forward with this risky method, you should then check your header each time you make an upgrade to be sure you still protected with the line you previously added to the top of the header file.

For this example, we assume you would like to modify "functions.php", as we suppose that this is your key front page (anything placed here will be executed/displayed on all front pages).

  • Download the Universal ZIP plugin file
  • Extract the zip to any folder on your computer. You should have a file named "gpfirewall.php"
  • Upload the gpfirewall.php file to your hosting server, to the same directory where "functions.php" is located.
  • Open the source code of your "functions.php" with the editor of your choice or the one provided by your host from your control panel (cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPConfig, Webmin, Virtualmin, InterWorx, Kloxo, i-MSCP, RunCloud, Usermin, OpenPanel, ...)
  • Insert this line of code in the first line, before anything else within "functions.php" page. 

  • <?php include_once 'gpfirewall.php'; new gpfirewall(1, 'your-token'); ?>
  • The GP Firewall line you added, has two parameters: 

    The displayed side of your website when the page, in which we have just inserted the firewall code, is called.: 1 for Front-office and -1 for Back-office. By default it's 1 (front-office).
    Your license token: replace the string "your-token" with your valid license token.

  • Open your browser and try to access your website home front page. 
  • Login to dashboard, and refresh/access to the iptables page (history). You should see your ip added to the top lines of the iptables.
  • Check if the firewall produces the expected output.
  • Do the same for your back office; locate the key back-office page.  Upload a copy of  Universal plugin to the same folder of the key back-office file. Do not forget, to change the first parameter to -1 which is the back side, so you will have this line.

<?php include_once 'gpfirewall.php'; new gpfirewall(-1, 'your-token'); ?>

  • Change the token with your valid license token.
  • ..etc

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